About Adrian Zhao

Adrian (Junan) Zhao
University of Toronto
[email protected]

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This is me.


I am Adrian Zhao (formally known as 赵俊安 or Junan Zhao), a first year direct-entry PhD student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, supervised by professor Nandita Vijaykumar. I earned my Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in June 2023 at the University of Toronto and am currently part of embArc research group as well as SysNet research group. I am also a Vector Institute and Robotics Institute affiliate researcher. My current research area is computer architecture, more specially aiming at accelerating ML applications with architectural support.




My social media and other accounts
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Email my primary email
GitHub my project code repositories
X (Twitter) news about me and my group's publications and projects
LinkedIn my work and education experiences
Google Scholar my Google Scholar page with my publications
ORCID my ORCID researcher page
DBLP my DBLP page for publication indices
Personal Blog my unofficial personal blog for hobbies and fun

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